Within the confines of a world perceived as an asylum, the quest for truth and the distinction between normalcy and madness become enigmatic puzzles. Long-held worldviews, carefully constructed from childhood, may crumble under the weight of these profound questions.

If the very foundations of our reality are perceived as questionable, does the concept of ‘normal’ retain its significance? Is madness merely a deviation from this constructed norm, or does it hold a deeper meaning within this paradoxical realm?

The structures we have meticulously erected, both physical and mental, may hinder our pursuit of truth. These edifices, designed to provide order and understanding, may inadvertently obscure the very essence we seek.

In the realm of architectural philosophy, the relationship between interior and exterior spaces holds profound significance. Yet, in this world of perceived madness, does this dichotomy still hold relevance?

Perhaps the path to truth lies not in adhering to rigid structures, but in venturing beyond their confines. By embracing the fluidity of consciousness, we may uncover a truth that transcends the limitations of conventional thinking.